Smart Contract Audit

Xend Finance
April 26, 2021


Vidma team has conducted a smart contract audit for the given codebase.

The contracts are in good condition. Based on the fixes provided by the Ammbr team and on the quality and security of the codebase provided, Vidma team can give a score of 95 to the audited smart contracts.

During the auditing process, the Vidma team has found a couple of informational issues, 7 issues with a low level of severity, 1 issue with a medium level of severity, and 3 issues with a critical level of severity.

Severity of the issue
Total found
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues
3 issues
3 issues
0 issues

The contracts are in good condition. Based on the fixes provided by the Ammbr team and on the quality and security of the codebase provided, Vidma team can give a score of 95 to the audited smart contracts.

Based on the given findings, risk level, performance, and code style, Vidma team can grant the following overall score:

Please mind that this audit does not certify the definite reliability and security level of the contract. This document describes all vulnerabilities, typos, performance issues, and security issues found by Vidma auditing team. If the code is under development, we recommend run one more audit once the code is finalized.


Vidma team has conducted a smart contract audit for the given codebase.

The contracts are in good condition. Based on the fixes provided by the Xend Finance team and on the quality and security of the codebase provided, Vidma team can give a score of 99 to the audited smart contracts.

During the auditing process, the Vidma team has found a couple of informational issues, 7 issues with a low level of severity, 3 issues with a medium level of severity, and 7 issues with a high level of severity. No critical issues were supposed.

Severity of the issue Issue severity
Severity of the issue Issue severity Total found Resolved Unresolved
Critical 0 issues 0 issues 0 issues
High 7 issues 7 issues 0 issues
Medium 3 issues 3 issues 0 issues
Low 7 issues 7 issues 0 issues
Informational 4 issues 4 issues 0 issues
Total 21 issues 21 issues 0 issues

Evaluating the findings, we can assure that the contract is safe to use and all the issues found are performed only by certain conditions and cases. Under the given circumstances we can set the following risk level:

High Confidence

Vidma auditing team has conducted a bunch of integrated autotests to ensure that the given codebase has decent performance and security levels. The test results and the coverage can be found in the accompanying section of this audit report.

Issue severity

Based on the given findings, risk level, performance, and code style, Vidma team can grant the following overall score:


Vidma auditing team has conducted a bunch of integrated autotests to ensure that the given codebase has decent performance and security levels. The test results and the coverage can be found in the accompanying section of this audit report.

Please mind that this audit does not certify the definite reliability and security level of the contract. This document describes all vulnerabilities, typos, performance issues, and security issues found by Vidma auditing team. If the code is under development, we recommend run one more audit once the code is finalized.

Scope of work

Credit Unions, Cooperatives, and Individuals anywhere in the world can now earn higher interests in stable currencies on their savings.

Within the scope of this audit, two independent auditors deeply investigated the given codebase and analyzed the overall security and performance of smart contracts.

Vidma auditing team has made a review of the following contract:

  • APRWithPoolOracle;
  • EarnAPRWithPool;
  • XUSDT;
  • XAAVE;
  • xVault;
  • BaseStrategy;
  • strategyUgoHawkVenusFarm.

The source code was taken from the following sources :

Initial commits submitted for the audit:

Last commits:

In order to conduct a more detailed audit, Xend Finance has provided the following documentation:

Workflow of the auditing process

During the manual phase of the audit, Vidma team manually looks through the code in order to find any security issues, typos, or discrepancies with the logic of the contract.

Within the testing part, Vidma auditors run integration tests using the Truffle testing framework. The test coverage and the tests themselves are inserted into this audit report.

Vidma team uses the most sophisticated and contemporary methods and techniques to ensure the contract does not have any vulnerabilities or security risks:

Access Management Hierarchy;
Arithmetic Over/Under Flows;
Unexpected Ether;
Default Public Visibility;
Hidden Malicious Code;
Entropy Illusion (Lack of Randomness);
External Contract Referencing;
Short Address/Parameter Attack;
Unchecked CALL Return Values;
Race Conditions / Front Running;
General Denial Of Service (DOS);
Uninitialized Storage Pointers;
Floating Points and Precision;
Tx.Origin Authentication;
Signatures Replay;
Pool Asset Security (backdoors in the underlying ERC-20).

Structure and organization of the findings

For the convenience of reviewing the findings in this report, Vidma auditors classified them in accordance with the severity of the issues. (from most critical to least critical). The acceptance criteria are described below.

All issues are marked as "Resolved" or "Unresolved", depending on whether they have been fixed by Xend Finance or not. The latest commit, indicated in this audit report should include all the fixes made.

To ease the explanation, the Vidma team has provided a detailed description of the issues and recommendations on how to fix them.

Hence, according to the statements above, we classified all the findings in the following way:

The issue bear a definite risk to the contract, so it may affect the ability to compile or operate.
Major security or operational risk found, that may harm the end-user or the overall performance of the contract.
The issue affects the contract to operate in a way that doesn’t significantly hinder its performance.
Major security or operational risk found, that may harm the end-user or the overall performance of the contract.
The issue bear a definite risk to the contract, so it may affect the ability to compile or operate.

Manual Report

Possible broke of contracts by upgradable dependency

High  | Resolved

Contract Strategy dependence on pre-deployed proxy contract crUSDT. It means that this proxy contract can be updated and the logic of the Strategy will be broken. In that case, xVault can not be able to withdraw funds from Strategy and return it to users.


Implement proxy pattern for Strategy to be able to fix deployed the contract.

Possible broke of contract by transferring tokens to it

High  |  Resolved

Contract xVault has a tokenBalance variable to store the number of tokens on it. It can’t be updated when someone transfers by calling token.transfer. In this case, balanceOf and tokenBalance will return different values which can lead to miscalculations and subtraction overflow.


Add update for tokenBalance on top of withdrawal method.

) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
    tokenBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 shares = maxShare;

Missed state update in xVault

High  |  Resolved

Contract xVault has a tokenBalance variable to store the balance of tokens in the contract. It is updated whenever xVault receives or sends tokens except in cases when strategy withdrawn less than the user actually wants to receive.

if (value > token.balanceOf(address(this))) {
      value = token.balanceOf(address(this));
      shares = _sharesForAmount(value);

In this case, the value of actually withdrawn tokens should be equal to tokenBalance but it’s not. So compile throws runtime error while trying to do subtraction after token transfer at:

tokenBalance = tokenBalance.sub(value);


Update the state of tokenBalance inside case mentioned above.

Not used setProtectedToken in Strategy

High  |  Resolved

Strategy contracts do not allow the withdrawal of protected tokens from contracts. To protect them from being withdrawn they should be added to the ‘protected’ list.


Use setProtectedToken in BaseStrategy constructor.

Possible loss in xVault contract

High  |  Resolved

Contract xVault withdraws tokens from Strategy if it doesn't have enough to pay users. Withdraw from strategy calculate the loss of investment. After all withdrawals there is a check for totalLoss to be less than allowed. But in the case when tokens after withdrawal are not enough check for loss so not included which may lead to an unexpected loss for the user.


Move check for a loss right before the actual transfer. And move the totalLoss variable to the top level of the function scope.

require(totalLoss <= maxLoss.mul(value.add(totalLoss)).div(MAX_BPS), 
"revert if totalLoss is more than permitted");
token.safeTransfer(recipient, value);

Wrong interacting with fulcrum contract in xAAVE and xBUSD

High  |  Resolved

Contracts xAAVE and xBUSD deposit their funds to fulcrum contract. It did not happen as expected because the call failed with the error SafeERC20: low-level call failed.


Recheck the logic behind interacting xAAVE and xBUSD with fulcrum contracts.

require(totalLoss <= maxLoss.mul(value.add(totalLoss)).div(MAX_BPS), 
"revert if totalLoss is more than permitted");
token.safeTransfer(recipient, value);

Incorrect profit logic in xAAVE and xBUSD contracts

High  |  Resolved

Contracts xAAVE and xBUSD interact with different contracts to deposit users' funds in the best place and generate profit. It means that the contract should increase the pool of itself to allow users to withdraw more than they deposited initially. But it’s not happening.


Recheck logic of profit calculation and interact with aave, fulcrum, and fortube contracts.


In xUSDT contract in some cases ‘pool’ can be less than totalDepositedAmount which can lead to subtraction overflow. Test cases:

  • When Default
    • Should deposit [0](4448ms)
    • Should deposit [1](3283ms)
  • pool 3263
  • balanceFulcrum 0
  • balanceAave 3263
    • Should withdraw [0](3711ms)
    • Should withdraw [1](4058)
      • Owner
        • Should change lender(1044ms)
        • Should set new fee(265ms)
      • Should set new fee address(241ms)
      • Should set new fee precision
        • When FULCRUM
          • Should deposit [0](3922ms)
          • Should deposit [1](3052ms)
      • pool 2998
      • balanceFulcrum 2983
      • balanceAave 0

    Deposited values 1000 and 2000, but pool value is only 2998.

    Recommendation 2:

    Add check if pool is bigger than totalDepositedAmount.

    uint256 fee = pool > totalDepositedAmount
        : 0;

    Possibility to exceed maximum strategies number at xVault.sol

    Medium  |  Resolved

    Function setWithdrawalQueue() and addStrategy() allows to exceed a MAXIMUM_STRATEGIES number.


    Add check for withdrawalQueue length for those functions.

    Ignore the return value of transfer at xVault.sol and BaseStrategy.sol

    Medium  |  Resolved

    In function report() at xVault.sol tokenBalance is updating but it ignores return value by token.transfer() and token.transferFrom().

    In function distributeRewards() at BaseStrategy no check provided for return value of transfer.


    Use SafeERC20, or ensure that the transfer/transferFrom return value is checked.

    Wrong approve tokens in xAuto contracts

    Medium  |  Resolved

    In xAuto contracts there are different lenders. xAuto approves tokens for active lenders on initialize function. When the owner activates a not active initial lender contract calls rebalance function to deposit on a new lender but since this lender tokens are not approved it can’t transfer tokens from xAuto.


    One of few:

    1) Approve all lenders on initialization;

    2) Approve a new lender before rebalancing in activateLender function.



    Optimization at XAAVE.sol and XUSDT.sol

    Low |  Resolved

    Functions balanceFortubeInToken() at XUSDT.sol, balanceFulcrumInToken() XAAVE.sol and XUSDT.sol are fully duplicates of internal functions  _balanceFortubeInToken(), _balanceFulcrumInToken().

    Function _rebalance() at XAAVE.sol and XUSDT.sol is internal and never used.


    In public functions balanceFortubeInToken() and balanceFulcrumInToken() you can call their represented internal functions and return it’s value. If _rebalance() is unnecessary then just remove it.

    Variables can be declared as constant at xVault.sol

    Low |  Resolved

    MAX_BPS and SECS_PER_YEAR can be declared as constant.


    Change those variables to constant.

    Optimization at xVault.sol

    Low |  Resolved

    Multiple usage of require statements

    msg.sender == governance, msg.sender == management,
    msg.sender == guardian.


    Сreate a modifier for those checks or add AccessControl from OpenZeppelin where you can set all needed roles for access to specific functions.

    Lacks a zero-check in the constructor of xVault.sol and functions

    Low |  Resolved

    Constructor parameter _governance and functions setTreasury(), setGuardian(), setGovernance() have no check for zero address.


    Check that the address is not zero.

    Illogical use of deposit limit at xVault

    Low |  Resolved

    Contract xVault in deposit function has a check for input amount of zero to deposit all possible allowed funds. It is calculated by depositLimit - totalAssets which can lead to subtraction underflow. This check is not included if the amount is greater than zero, which means that users can’t deposit more than the limit when they deposit zero but can when more.


    If the logic of checking only when the amount is zero is correct then need to add check for underflow or even leave it as it is. Otherwise need to add check the global scope of function.

    Wrong predefined apr address as XAAVE

    Low |  Resolved

    Apr address at the XAAVE contract in a polygon is not a contract.


    Put correct address.

    Missed check for the token in EarnAPYWithPool

    Low |  Resolved

    Contract EarnAPYWithPool has 2 mappings of tokens in fulcrum and fortube to check if the token exists on this platform. For aave this check is missed which means that some tokens cannot be processed in getAPROptionsInc.


    Add check for existing token on aave platform.

    Unnecessary event and import statement at xVault.sol

    Informational  |  Unresolved

    All related functionality to event UpdateGuestList Is commented and not used farther in the code.

    IERC20 is not used.


    Delete this event and all related commented functionality, delete unused import statement.

    Commented functions at xVault.sol

    Informational  |  Resolved

    Functions setName() and setSymbol() are commented.


    Remove commented functionality.

    Not proper use of assert at xVault.sol

    Informational  |  Resolved

    The assert function should only be used to test for internal errors and to check invariants.


    Require function should be used to ensure valid conditions. Replace assert with require with corresponding revert message.

    Not proper use of assert at XAAVE.sol and XUSDT.sol

    Informational  |  Resolved

    In function set_new_feePrecision() assert is used to check parameters of _newFeePrecision.

    The assert function should only be used to test for internal errors and to check invariants.


    Require function should be used to ensure valid conditions. Replace assert with require with corresponding revert message.

    Test Results

    To verify the contract security and performance a bunch of integration tests were made using the Truffle testing framework.

    Tests were based on the functionality of the code, business logic, and requirements and for the purpose of finding the vulnerabilities in the contacts.

    In this section, we provide tests written by Vidma auditors.

    Vidma Coverage – 96.82%

    Industry Standard – 95%

    It's important to note that Vidma auditors do not modify, edit or add tests to the existing tests provided in the Xend Finance repo. We write totally separate tests with code coverage of a minimum of 95%, to meet the industry standards.

    Tests are written by Vidma

    Test Coverage

    All Files
    File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines
    APRWithPoolOracle 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
    EarnAPRWithPool 100.00 80.00 100.00 100.00
    XAAVE 96.92 67.78 98.18 96.91
    XAAVEProxy 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00
    XUSDT 97.30 74.49 95.16 97.26
    xVault 97.66 64.47 100.00 96.92
    BaseStrategy 96.47 61.90 100.00 97.62
    Strategy 91.46 69.72 97.22 91.13
    All Files 96.52 76.24 87.65 96.88

    Test Results

    Contract: EarnAPRWithPool/APRWithPoolOracle

    • Initialize
      • Should deploy(3003ms)
    • APRWithPoolOracle
      • Should call getFulcrumAPRAdjusted(5714ms)
      • Should call getAaveAPRAdjusted(8278ms)
      • Should call getFortubeAPRAdjusted(4990ms)
    • EarnAPRWithPool
      • Should change apr(224ms)
      • Should addFToken(665ms)
      • Should recommend(3065ms)
      • for another token's amount correctly(99ms)
      • should return ETH price correctly(313ms)
      • should return token price correctly(647ms)
      • should return Eth amount with slippage correctly(152ms)
      • should set path correctly(1430ms)

    We are delighted to have a chance to work together with Xend Finance team and contribute to their success by reviewing and certifying the security of the smart contracts.

    The statements made in this document should not be interpreted as investment or legal advice, nor should its authors be held accountable for decisions made based on them.

    Smart Contract Audit

    This is some text inside of a div block.
    This is some text inside of a div block.
    This is some text inside of a div block.
    This is some text inside of a div block.


    Vidma team has conducted a smart contract audit for the given codebase.

    The contracts are in good condition. Based on the fixes provided by the Ammbr team and on the quality and security of the codebase provided, Vidma team can give a score of 95 to the audited smart contracts.

    During the auditing process, the Vidma team has found a couple of informational issues, 7 issues with a low level of severity, 1 issue with a medium level of severity, and 3 issues with a critical level of severity.

    Severity of the issue
    Total found
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues
    3 issues
    3 issues
    0 issues

    The contracts are in good condition. Based on the fixes provided by the Ammbr team and on the quality and security of the codebase provided, Vidma team can give a score of 95 to the audited smart contracts.

    Based on the given findings, risk level, performance, and code style, Vidma team can grant the following overall score:

    Please mind that this audit does not certify the definite reliability and security level of the contract. This document describes all vulnerabilities, typos, performance issues, and security issues found by Vidma auditing team. If the code is under development, we recommend run one more audit once the code is finalized.


    Static and dynamic content editing

    A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

    How to customize formatting for each rich text

    Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

    Scope of work

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

    What’s a Rich Text element?

    Structure and organization of the findings

    The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

    Static and dynamic content editing

    A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

    How to customize formatting for each rich text

    Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

    Manual Report

    The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

    Static and dynamic content editing

    A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

    How to customize formatting for each rich text

    Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

    Test Results

    How to customize formatting for each rich text

    Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

    What’s a Rich Text element?

    The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

    Static and dynamic content editing

    A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

    How to customize formatting for each rich text

    Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.